What I Learn From My Daughters About Business

My daughter’s view of business is simple. Both Isabella (17 years) and Ellie (9 years) have different views, but both give me perspective and remind me what’s important.

Three years ago, after I returned home from a long day and Isabella asked me “How was work?”, I replied with a wrath of complaints about how difficult everything was that day from colleagues to bosses. She asked me the following question, “Daddy, are you getting paid?”. Of course, I said yes. She replied in a very nonchalant manner, “Then, what’s the problem?”.

In that moment, I froze and I realized three things. First, I was earning a salary to do my job and I should appreciate it. Second, the salary I was earning was helping them get smarter so they could help me get smarter. Last, it was time to stop complaining and focus on my kids in that moment.

This past weekend, while doing some work, Ellie asked me, “Daddy, what is your job?” I replied, “I tell people how great our company is.” She then asked, “Why?”  I said, “To help our company make money and grow.” She replied, “No, Daddy, I mean, how does it make the world better? How does your company help the world?”

I thought, wow, now that’s a great question and I told her, “That’s a really important question, Ellie.” I asked her to come over to my desk so I could show her a couple of videos that show how my company makes the world better – how it gives people a second chance in their lives. I explained to her that everyone deserves a second chance to make their lives better which will then make the world better.

So, whenever I start complaining about work, I always remember what’s important and why. Keep it simple and maintain perspective while always having a purpose.

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